Important information - The event

MyWay Forum

This year, vous serez accompagnés au Forum par la plateforme web : MyWay Forum. Cette dernière vous permettra de vous renseigner sur les entreprises présentes, sur les offres qu’elles proposeront, mais aussi d’entrer en contact avec les recruteurs 

Each student must complete his or her profile to be presented to companies :CV submission, video presentation, personality test results, etc. Only the CV is mandatory the other steps are optional.

You will be able on this platform:

  • A partir du 12 novembre, make an appointment with some companies if they offer offers that interest you. This meeting can take place on the day of the event at the company's booth, or in the 3 days following the event via MyWay Forum. 
  • Be sollicité(e) par certaines entreprises qui sont attirées par votre profil approached by certain companies that are attracted by your profile

On the day of the event, MyWay Forum will be used as a digital CV library. Plus besoin d’amener dix CV au format papier, votre téléphone vous suffira à transmettre votre CV. Comment ça marche ? En arrivant sur le stand d’une entreprise, si vous souhaitez partager votre profil avec un recruteur, scannez le QR Code qu’il vous présente et il aura instantanément accès à votre profil sur son ordinateur. Une fois le QR Code scanné, l’entreprise pourra continuer d’accéder à votre profil jusqu’au 31 décembre 2024.

If you want to continue your conversation with a recruiter, but you don't have enough time, suggest a virtual meeting. It will take place on MyWay Forum within 3 days following the Forum. 

How to access the event

The event is exclusively reserved for CentraleSupélec students (current or former).

To access the event, you will need :

  • Student card or CS school certificate (for MS/MR/Doctoral students, please bring your school certificate)
  • For alumni: an ID card
  • A professional outfit


You can also reserve a meal for lunch! You will find the ticketing below and the proposed menu.
Points of sale (info point and catering point) will also be available on site on the day.

Lunches and coffee meetings

Du 07/11 à 8h jusqu’au 14/11 à 17h, you can apply for the lunches and coffee meetings proposed by the companies. To do so, you must share your CV with them.
The companies will choose among these CVs to select the students they want to meet.
You will have the answer to your application during the day of November 12..